Quitting Porn/Fapping Addiction

I have porn addiction , i want to leave porn addiction and fapping what should i do ?

first of all if you really want to quit porn, quit fapping , ask yourself that are you ready to quit porn .

if yes than here is the content for you ,

Quitting Porn/Fapping Addiction

  • HOW TO QUIT IT....

Quitting Porn/Fapping Addiction

Just try to understand


1.a  -You might be addicted without knowing it  many of you people reading it might not knowing that you have a porn addiction,you people might feel depress sometime ,feel low inside , low energy , having a low confidence , having low will power , procrastination( the action of delaying or postponing something.). most of the times reason for these things is that you are a porn addicted and you are not aware about it .These are the symptoms which porn addicted person might acquire.                                                                                                                                                                                 

 1.b - Sexual dysfunction,ED,Premature ejaculation. so when  a person watch porn he becomes mental condition , there are lots of chemical reactions start running in his mind. you get so much being habitual of watching porn  that whenever you want a girl  , you get a virtual girl by means of porn  and by watching that girl you make yourself satisfied. So now by doing this what will happen , in your real life whenever you will get a girl , it might happen that you can't get erection , or you get ejaculation very fast(Premature ejaculation). because by watching too much porn you have made yourself or trained yourself mentally that i am just watching porn to do masturbation . what you people do you play a porn and  try to masturbate as  fast as you can. you have made your mindset that you are watching porn just for fapping . So when you actually get a girl and its your time for performance, so that you can make a girl happy , so that she become obsessed of you , at that time you are not able to perform .

1.c - Don't waste your sperm(chipchipahat).Basically don't waste your nectar in your hands ,on your floor , keyboard , while standing in front of your monitor. Its precious its for someone special.

Quitting Porn/Fapping Addiction


2.a- We like to feel reward We all people humanity run after the victory , and that victory comes in any way that may be money, achievement ,achieving our goals , getting a girl , having a sex for first time these all are the forms of victory . So what happen is that the reward center of your brain stimulates and you start liking yourself ,feel good about yourself and you become happy . this is because your body releases endorphin (any of a group of hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system and having a number of physiological functions.)

2.b- Porn makes the reward easy With the help of porn endorphin release is easily available . you watch a porn you masturbate and you get happiness .but getting happiness by this way is cheating. if you are playing a long run and you will get happiness after completing it , but now what is happening is that you are taking a shortcut you are doing a cheating and that cheating is porn addiction , which will not be good for you in long term , because you haven't done those efforts to beat everyone, coming in your , you just missed the process and opt for shortcut.Its complicated but try to understand you basically do cheating and you get that release immediately.so by doing this you get that immediate short term  happiness but in long term you feel depressed, you loose your confidence, you get shame of yourself from inside , you can't be able to maintain your confidence level in front of other people.these all are the problems you suffer.

2.c- Save your enthusiasm (josh) for better goals But if this energy the courage one require for the victory could  be used to get something productive out of life . because once you masturbate your enthusiasm falls off  , you get deflate , you lost  all your energy , and start feeling sleepy , because you have skipped that running part of the race , you just get the happiness by shortcut by cheating. but what i want is that you get happiness by running that race , by doing hard work , that would only be possible when you will not waste your energy by this immediate release , and rather than doing this release you must do hard work for your goals (whatever that goal might be, weather it is of making body , getting new girlfriends anything ) if you will conserve your energy and apply it on  your goals than the rewards you will get will release positive emotions and positive enforces , which will result in increasing your confidence level , willpower these all things will put positive effect on your life

Quitting Porn/Fapping Addiction

  • HOW TO QUIT IT....

3.a- Do not quit just space it out  I am not going to say that you  have to leave it , i want you all to do this yes i want you all to do it more  but you should reduce the frequency of doing it. means if you masturbate after every hour or after every six hour or after every day , i want that the average time after which you repeat this act must be doubled . if you do it after one hour don't say yourself that  i will not do it rather say that i will do it i will do it happily but not after one hour but today after two hour . for this much efforts you don't need more will power , you will not get more torture/burden that i have to drop this habit forever ,i will never masturbate or all like that . you just have to double that time gap . and when you will be able to achieve that , go for it after two hours , enjoy happiness what you want .but you will feel good about yourself . that yes i have controlled myself , i was not failed , i was able to control myself .

3.b- Start increasing the gap between sessions so when you get habitual about two hours double it to four hours  than from four hours to eight hours. by doing this you will be able to increase your will power. if it would be difficult for you to achieve this , what you have to do when you get urge for the act (havas chadna ) at that time that enthusiasm must be immediately channelize  to something  productive.

3.c-  How to channelize energy when you get urge full benefit of that enthusiasm will be in some physical expression . i can say you that you should read books , do this stuff that stuff or anything , but what i want is that you should immediately start doing push-ups , or go for running or anything  in which you can physically express and release the energy . do anything by which same reward system of your body will be activated, which is activated by watching a porn , that is endorphin . you will even feel exhausted but feeling exhausted after doing exercise , will increase your confidence , and you will start feeling good about yourself and one most important thing is that you will never have that regret feeling .this will help you to increase your value for long term .

Quitting Porn/Fapping Addiction


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