How To Text a Girl And Make Her Like You


How To Text a Girl And Make Her Like You
Namaste everyone!!

This blog contains the most basic and simple foundational tips that if you follow during any interaction with any girl at any stage it will always going to benefit you .this could be any kind of a girl this could be any new number you got?, girl whom you already dating , your friend whom you want to be your girlfriend , your wife ,your wife's mom this could be anyone (thumbs up if like your girlfriend/wife's mom hhahaha).

so it will always going to give you a control over the interaction and always make sure you are leading the interaction and at the same time it will let you make chances for the next move.

Rule 1
Pene vs Pepa
You must not talk to her in a logical way , do not ask her the same shit which everyone is doing , so you don't gonna ask her how was your day? ,what are your plans this week ?, the weather is nice etc etc. NO bullshit!!. we are not gonna talk about all this stuff why?
because logical topics and logical conversations are not fun and  will lead to boring conversation.So always keep in mind whenever you are talking to a girl the content must be romantic ,sexual, mating or whatever fuck it is , but basically it is something you should keep in mind that you are talking to a women and you are not gonna talk to her like a guy.
This rule is very important because women like lots of texting friends and you do not want to be one of them ,the thing is this is one of the most single and easy way in which you can fall into the threaded friendzone. lot of guys text girl all day long lot of girls text girls all day long , you will not do the same shit , you will come in and will text the girl only when it matters only when you are gonna make a move. everytime you put efforts and time in when you are talking to a girl or interacting with her it has to lead to the next step and if its not you are wasting your time as well as her's.

Rule 2
Value your time
How To Text a Girl And Make Her Like You

The simplest way you can own this game this texting game between man and women is by valuing your own time, this means you do not spend loads of time in sending overly flirtacious joke NO!, This means you should keep it simple you should invest minimal efforts and also this means that you should not wait around all day long for her text , you should't be checking your phone every moment that i has to reply i has to reply NO. Live your life, be busy i don't care how excited you are when she is texting you , i don't care how hot she is , these things should't let you lay for overly complicated texts, there is no need for sending overly complicated humurous text , for which she needs her father to figure out.this will spoil your interaction, she will not gonna ask her father about your fucking joke she will simply not reply back. Another reason why this point is important is because guys think that more they text the girl, that they will build some comfort with her, you know they think that if they will become bestfriend with her than it will lead to love at first sight or something like that, that is not what is gonna happen , because in real building comfort with girl is much much different than the comfort they think they can build up by always keep in mind you are doing text interaction only to get to the next step which is to meet her as a person.
Rule 3
The Patented Ratio
Remember always the 3:2 ratio in two area's :-
a) Time- time that you take to reply to her text let say she replies back every 5 minutes you are gonna take more than 5 minutes to reply back lets say 7 or 8 minutes.why its important because if you simply reply back to the girl as soon as she texts you, it will show eagerness on your part, it shows her that you are always available for shows her that you don't have a life and you are always stick to your phone.
b) Quantity-if she reply you in 3 texts than you should't reply her in more than 2 texts.Again what dos it show? it show that you are not a teenage who is just obsessed with are supposed to keep your texts short , you are supposed to keep your text crisped, to the next level.

Do Not Make Women Your God
Do not treat them like they are the most ultimate thing on this planet, this means that you should not shit in your pants , when a girl does't reply back, and do not shit in your pant when a hot girl  replies back, this means that you should maintain your composer just focus on what is important in your life , rather than focusing on a single girl all the thing more girls are also fickle minding when it comes to texting, because there are lot of people who might be texting her like a creature .you should not have to pay attention to this interaction if she does not reply not change your personality to come across her as more attractive  over text or something like not try to act like a clown trying to crack shitty joke after shitty joke after another shitty joke,always try to have not take it as a personal attack when a girl is not texting you back, even after you have confessed your love for her,relax have fun remember these four tips.



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