
Showing posts from 2018

Weight training helps with fighting depression

The paper,  published in the journal  JAMA Psychiatry , found that resistance exercise training (RET), such as  weightlifting  and strength   training, is associated with a significant reduction in depressive symptoms. It also, of course, comes with physical benefits, like  making bones stronger and preventing chronic conditions .Find out more. Weight Training Your Best Friend When Fighting Depression! All of us know that there are tons of benefits to weight training. Studies have found exercise to have both physiological and psychological benefits. A  Harvard  study once found that ten weeks of strength  training reduced clinical depression symptoms more successfully than counseling. This is particularly important for women since they are more than twice as likely to experience depression and only one out of three actually seek care. Feeling low? Then train. Not happy? Then train. Need an instant mental boost?Then train.The scien...

Why we loose friends with time

Hello Everyone So today i am going to write my blog on truth which is hard to believe  but yes it is truth of life i.e Everyone   will loose there friends with time.  i know it seems to be wired when someone say with time you will loose your friends but its the bitter truth of life. 95 to 98 percent people will disappear from your life,hardly you will be left with one or two in your life.This might also happen that those one or two also not be there.This is the truth of life my friend your parents might told you , your teachers told you that no one stays forever with you you already know this thing. lets take an example when you are done with your college does everyone get placed?does everyone get job?and those who are placed,Does everyone get placed in same company? NO! You can't live your whole life in a single room with those were in same classroom you were together only because of proximity the distance ,it was not like that you were made to liv...

Race of Evolution in which everyone is a participant

Namaste Everyone! Today i am going to write on really big topic,simply because this topic needs lot of evaluation.It needs a lot of time to be spent over in order to understands the depths to which it effects the life all around us. EVOLUTION I am gonna leave you at the end of this blog with the thought experiment to conduct in your own mind in your own time.So what is evolution ? How it works to improve your life? It is broken down into two components.So the first component is Survival and second component is Reproduction So this is incredibly important to understand that survival comes before and reproduction comes after.Survival is primary and reproduction is secondary.What it means is that in an organism's life beat you,beat me, beat your parents, beat your dog, beat a homeless person on the street, the president of United States an astronaut on the moon who ever the hell it is.Our minds are programmed to work for first and for most making  sure that we survive.Ever...

How To Be a Winner / Life Advise

H ow to approach life as you grow on?., this blog gonna be amazing, as it will end up adding  value into the lives of readers .so one of my friend suggested me to write on this topic, so most of you guys are young,studing in universities or would be students, so i am gonna give you a bit of guidance about how to approach a life .So lets begain,so  the first thing i am gonna talk about is girls- 1. Stop Chasing Girls For a guy girls are something which occupy the back of head almost 24*7.Even most of the people who step foot inside the gym they come in with the objective of looking better in order to get girls or meet girls inside the gym.So what i want to talk about today is how to stop making girls the center of your life and how if you step foot in gym,how if you pursue a career , how if you take any decision in your life, it should not be to get more girls, it should be basically to make better version of yourself. I Pre assume you all are between age group...

How to save money as a college student

N amaste everyone!! hows it going ? how to save money as a student?or how to become better at budgeting your money weather you are college student or you are a salaried employee? So when you go online to shop ,when you are chilling with your friend outside and you wanna go to fancy restaurant,let say with your girlfriend but you don't have the money so you have to eat some shit of the street anyway.So here i am providing you two most important steps/ways to save money- Step1 - C hange how to look at money  What i'm gonna tell you is how to become financially smarter about the way you look at money, the way you manage money , so what i need you to understand today is that you spend a lot of time in front of screen all the pockets of time i.e between the classes,searching through social media, or when you are in the office obviously when you are not working for the eight hours so you are chilling on the Facebook while without your boss knowing it, etc. All the...

When is the right time to start dating

Namaste Everyone!! Today I will try to press your neurons a bit because not thinking about thinkable stuff has became a habit of our society and if you try to push that bar then you will have to face this society, we all want to date someone but do we ever give a thought about what's the right time to start ? S o like you people i am also a straight person i too go outside to roam ,see many beautiful girls admire them but there is one thing which i add to it i.e i tell myself that yes she is beautiful ,has a good dressing sense,rest everything is also too the point,so the reason why i am happy about seeing her or having this experience in my life is because all this thing is happening from a distance. I don't know about one single thing i.e i am not having a single connection or interaction with that person and i am just absorbing her beauty ,and having a positive feel about that and on the same time some can feel biologically that she's amazing !! At that point what...

Meditation Becoming More Popular Among Teens

I n today's blog we are gonna talk about how to meditate, because what i honestly feels is that even from a health and fitness perspective, today's blog is that one blog which will definitely turn your life around.what i honestly feel is that meditation has a very crucial to play in the journey to reaching your maximum potential . Alot of successful people all over the world Steve jobs ,Hugh Jackman and even Shane watson have turned to meditation in order to enhance the rest of their lifes. so i am going over the benefits of meditation super briefly.UCLA shows that the people who meditate have a higher level of GYRIFICATION. Gyrification means the folds of the cortex in your brain, the more folds you will have  more faster will be your processing power, you will specially become smarter and your brain will work faster and actively through meditation.The long term meditation leads to more gyrification,more you meditate more your gyrification and more your processing p...

Platonic Friends

Can a Man and a Woman Really Have a Platonic Relationship? This is a kind of a question which might have appeared in your mind before ,to understand this ,lets consider there are two good friends of opposite sex. They have known each other for a while and nothing has ever happened between them. By “nothing,” they mean that they’ve never kissed. The chemistry between them is blatant and they’ve been in situations where he could have made a move but he did not. And she recognizes this and respects him for it. She knows that his intentions are pure. She may or may not find him attractive, but it doesn’t matter at all. He’s a good guy and she likes talking to him. And even if he’s cute, she’s not interested in him like that. Or so she thinks. On the other side, he thinks that she is sexy. He’d love to go out for drinks, take her back to his place, inch closer to her on couch. But she’s made it clear that she’s not looking for a relationship or she’s already committed. He...

How To Text a Girl And Make Her Like You

SECRETS Namaste everyone!! This blog contains the most basic and simple foundational tips that if you follow during any interaction with any girl at any stage it will always going to benefit you .this could be any kind of a girl this could be any new number you got?, girl whom you already dating , your friend whom you want to be your girlfriend , your wife ,your wife's mom this could be anyone (thumbs up if like your girlfriend/wife's mom hhahaha). so it will always going to give you a  control over the interaction and always make sure you are leading the interaction and at the same time it will let you make chances for the next move. Rule 1 Pene vs Pepa You must not talk to her in a logical way , do not ask her the same shit which everyone is doing , so you don't gonna ask her how was your day? ,what are your plans this week ?, the weather is nice etc etc.  NO bullshit!!. we are not gonna talk about all this stuff why ? because logical topics and logical conv...

Does True Love Really Exist

Am i in love❤ , Does True love Really exists ? Is it true what they say ,that if you are in love your partners fart smell like Gucci perfume .How to know if  i am in true love or not ? fucked up ?? Namaste everyone!! T oday we are going to talk about soulmates illusion. what is the soulmates illusion?. most of the people asked me that does love exists or does true love exists?, what are my thoughts on love etc etc. people are like i am really in love with this girl , i am never gonna find any one else like her , please help me find her, please help me to get her, blah blah blah .alright now the thing is what i am going to talk about is that how the idea of true love is a false one, that social conditioning,or media or bollywood or hollywood or fairy tails have infused your mind with ,alright and how it does not really exist!! Soul mate illusion is all about one perfect partner being out there, for everyone in this world and hoping that you know you just find that perso...